Escape the Cold This Winter with Depend Contest

Official Rules


1. Agreement

Please read these official rules (the “Official Rules”) carefully. They contain important information about your rights and obligations, as well as limitations and exclusions that may apply to you if you enter the Escape the Cold This Winter with Depend Contest (the “Contest”) sponsored by Kimberly-Clark Global Sales, LLC. (the “Sponsor”).

By participating in the Contest, you signify your agreement to these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor and RAVEN5 Ltd. (the “Administrator”). If you do not agree to the Official Rules, you may not enter the Contest.

2. Eligibility

The Contest is open only to legal residents of the province of Quebec who are eighteen (18) years of age of older at the time of entry (“Participant”,entrant” or “you”).

Employees, officers, directors, agents or representatives of the Sponsor, Administrator, their parent companies and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers of prizes, advertising and promotion agencies involved in the administration, development, fulfillment and execution of this Contest (collectively, the “Contest Parties”), and the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) of, and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible to enter the Contest.

The Contest is intended for residents of the province of Quebec only and will be governed by Canadian law. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, territorial, municipal and local laws and regulations. If it is found that a person who does not meet the eligibility criteria set forth in these rules has submitted an entry, that entry will be deemed ineligible. Sponsor reserves the right to verify eligibility requirements. Void outside the province of Quebec and wherever else prohibited by law.

3. Contest Period

The Contest begins at 12:00:01 AM Eastern Time (“ET”) on September 16, 2024 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on November 16, 2024 (the “Contest Period”). Sponsor’s computer is the official timekeeper for the Contest.

4. How to Enter

There is no purchase necessary to enter the Contest. Making a purchase will not improve your chances of winning. There is a limit of one (1) entry per person into the Contest.


To enter the Contest, visit and follow the instructions to complete and submit the online entry form. You will be required to provide your first name, last name, and email address. In addition to providing the above information, you must check the box to signify that you have read and agree to abide by these Official Rules and the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy. Optionally, you may check the box to consent to receive email communications from the Sponsor for promotional purposes. You will receive one (1) entry into the Contest for successfully submitting the online entry form.


By entering the Contest, you signify your agreement to these Official Rules and the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy. Entries which are incomplete, illegible or fraudulent are null and void. Anyone found to use multiple email addresses to submit multiple entries will be disqualified. The Contest Parties accept no responsibility for entries that are lost, misdirected or delayed for any reason. Further, the Contest Parties accept no responsibility for incomplete entries, the incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information, including but not limited to as a result of malfunction, human error, lost, delayed or garbled Internet or email transmission, omission, interruption, deletion, defect or failures of any telephone, technical, network, online, hardware or software or any combination thereof.

Entries shall be deemed to be submitted by the authorized account holder of the e-mail address associated with the entry. For the purpose of these Official Rules, “authorized account holder” of an e-mail address is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet service provider or other organization responsible for assigning the submitted email address. Entrants may be required to provide the Sponsor with proof that the selected entrant is the authorized account holder of the email address associated with the selected entry.

If you consent to receive email communications from the Sponsor, Sponsor may send you offers, product updates and more from Depend® and other Kimberly-Clark® brands. You can unsubscribe at any time or update your brand preferences via your profile page. If you do not wish to receive email communications, you may request to be removed from the Kimberly-Clark® mailing list by visiting Global Privacy Policy – Scopes and Updates | Kimberly- Clark or by calling 1-877-413-3736. Alternatively, you can click the “unsubscribe” link provided at the bottom of every commercial email or visit to unsubscribe.

5. Prizes / Approximate Retail Value("ARV") / Odds of Winning

Grand Prizes: Two (2) grand prizes are available to be won, each consisting of a trip of the winner’s choosing anywhere in the world, up to $5,000.00 CAD (each, a “Grand Prize” and collectively, the “Grand Prizes”).

The ARV of each Grand Prize is $5,000.00 CAD. The total ARV of all prizes is $10,000.00 CAD.

Odds of winning will depend on the total number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period.

Prize Conditions

Administrator will coordinate delivery of the Grand Prizes to each winner within approximately four (4) to six (6) weeks after the winners have been verified. Each Grand Prize winner will receive a travel voucher valued at $5,000.00 CAD to book a trip of their choosing. Alternatively, Grand Prizes winners may choose to redeem the Grand Prize for cash in lieu of the travel voucher. Grand Prizes will not exceed a total of $5,000.00 CAD. All details and other restrictions of the Grand Prize not specified in these Official Rules will be determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion. The Contest Parties are not responsible if any element of a prize is delayed, postponed or cancelled for any reason.

Grand Prizes may be redeemed for cash, substituted or transferred by a winner. The Sponsor’s determinations regarding the awarding of prizes are final. No prize substitutions except as provided herein.

All other expenses not specified herein are the sole responsibility of the winner, including but not limited to applicable taxes, surcharges, excess baggage fees, meals and alcoholic beverages, room service, gratuities, merchandise, telephone calls, medical and travel insurance, any required travel documentation, and all personal expenses of any kind or nature. Sponsor is not responsible for any cancellation, delay or rescheduling of flights and any costs incurred as a result (including, without limitation, accommodation costs) will be the sole responsibility of the winner. Actual value of the prizes under this Contest may be lower or higher at the time of fulfillment, and any difference between actual value and the stated ARV (if actual value is lower than stated ARV) will not be awarded.

Winners must be able to accept the prizes as presented or the respective prize will be forfeited in its entirety and an alternate potential winner may be selected for the prize in Sponsor’s sole discretion. By accepting a prize, winners agree to release the Contest Parties from any and all liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind caused by entering the Contest or for damages of any kind caused by a prize or resulting from acceptance, possession, or use/misuse of any prize awarded. 

6. Winner Selection and Notification

Administrator will select the potential winners in a random drawing conducted at Administrator’s offices. Administrator’s decisions are final.

Two (2) potential Grand Prize winners will be selected from all eligible entries received during the Contest Period on or about November 18, 2024.

The potential Grand Prize winners will be notified by a designated representative of the Administrator by email using the email address provided by the potential winner in their entry. The designated representative will make a minimum of two (2) attempts to contact the potential winner within seventy-two (72) hours of the drawing date.

If any potential winner cannot be contacted within seventy-two (72) hours of the drawing date, if the prize is declined, or if there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; then the potential winner may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor, be disqualified (and, if disqualified, will forfeit any and all rights to the prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant for the prize in a separate random drawing from the remaining eligible entries submitted and received in accordance with these Official Rules.

No one is a winner unless and until the Sponsor officially confirms him/her as a winner in accordance with these Official Rules

Before being confirmed as a winner, each potential winner will be required to sign and return, within seventy-two (72) hours of notification, an Affidavit of Eligibility & Liability / Publicity Release form (the Release") which:

  1. Confirms the winner’s eligibility for the Contest, compliance with these Official Rules, and acceptance of the prize.
  2. Releases the Sponsor, Administrator, their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and/or related companies and each of their employees, directors, officers, suppliers, agents, administrators, licensees, representatives, advertising, media buying and promotional agencies (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost or expense arising out of participation in the Contest, participation in any Contest-related activity or the acceptance, use, or misuse of any prize, including but not limited to costs, injuries, or losses related to personal injuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation, or portrayal in a false light, or from any and all claims of third parties arising therefrom.
  3. Provides the Sponsor permission to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use, worldwide in any media now known or hereafter in perpetuity and throughout the World, the winner’s name, city and province of residence, photograph, image, likeness, voice, and any statements he/she may make regarding such prize or the Contest for advertising, public relations and promotional purposes without limitation and additional compensation, notification or permission, and provides Sponsor the right to obtain (upon Sponsor’s request) a photograph of the winner for the purposes described herein. Winners agree to execute any and all documents requested by the Sponsor to convey such rights to own all the results thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Sponsor to make use of any of the rights granted herein and each winner waives any right to inspect or approve any such use of any and every nature and kind.

In addition, each potential winner will be required to correctly answer a time-limited skill-testing question in order to become a winner. The skill-testing question will be included in the Release.

7. Limitation of Liability

By participating in the Contest and as a condition of acceptance of a prize, each entrant, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, releases, waives, discharges, and holds harmless the Releasees from and against any and all loses, damages, rights, claims, actions, causes of action, personal injury, property damage or death (including without limitation any and all costs and liabilities of any kind including but not limited to lawyer’s fees), and including, without limitation, any such arising from any act of negligence of the Releasees, that the entrant now has, or may hereafter have against the Releasees directly or indirectly resulting from participation of the Contest or the awarding, acceptance, use, or misuse of a prize. Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused or claimed to be caused by participation in this Contest or use/misuse or redemption of the prize.

8. General

The Releasees are not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer or in the announcement of the prizes. Further, the Releasees are not responsible for incompatibility of Participants’ hardware, software or browser technology. In the event there is a discrepancy or inconsistency between disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest-related materials or communications, privacy policy or terms of use on the Contest Website and/or the terms and conditions of the Official Rules, the Official Rules shall prevail, govern and control and the discrepancy will be resolved in Sponsor’s sole and absolute determination.

The Releasees are not responsible for: (i) lost, late, misdirected, damaged or illegible entries; or (ii) error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of or failure to receive entry information by the Sponsor on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof; or (iii) any injury or damage to Participant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participating in the Contest.



By participating in the Contest, you (i) agree to be bound by these Official Rules, including all eligibility requirements, and (ii) agree to be bound by the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest. 

Failure to comply with these Official Rules will result in disqualification from the Contest. The Sponsor reserves the right to: (i) permanently disqualify from any Contest it sponsors any person it believes has intentionally violated these Official Rules; and (ii) withdraw a method of entry if it becomes technically corrupted (including if a computer virus or system malfunction inalterably impairs its ability to conduct the Contest). If for any reason this Contest is not capable of running as planned due to an infection by a computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of the Sponsor which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest, the Sponsor reserves the right at their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, at which time, the Sponsor will conduct a random drawing from among all eligible entries received at the time of the Contest termination.

9. Disputes

Except where prohibited, Participants agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of, or connected with, the Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, entrant’s rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of the Sponsor in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada. The remedy for any claim shall be limited to actual damages, and in no event shall any party be entitled to recover punitive, exemplary, consequential, or incidental damages, including attorney’s fees or other such related costs of bringing a claim, or to rescind this agreement or seek injunctive or any other equitable relief. THE PARTIES HEREBY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO JURY TRIAL WITH RESPECT TO ALL CLAIMS AND ISSUES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT WHETHER SOUNDING IN CONTRACT OR TORT AND INCLUDING ANY CLAIM FOR FRAUDULENT INDUCEMENT THEREOF.

10. Privacy

By participating in the Contest, each entrant: (i) grants to the Sponsor the right to use his/her personal information provided when he/she enters the Contest for the purpose of administering the Contest, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the winners and coordinating the prizes; (ii) acknowledges that if such entrant is selected as a winner, Sponsor may disclose his/her personal information to service providers of the Sponsor in connection with any of the activities listed in (i) and/or (ii) above.

If you consent to receive email communications from the Sponsor, Sponsor may send you offers, product updates and more from Depend® and other Kimberly-Clark® brands. You can unsubscribe at any time or update your brand preferences via your profile page. If you do not wish to receive email communications, you may request to be removed from the Kimberly-Clark® mailing list by visiting Global Privacy Policy – Scopes and Updates | Kimberly- Clark or by calling 1-877-413-3736. Alternatively, you can click the “unsubscribe” link provided at the bottom of every commercial email or visit to unsubscribe

Personal information collected is otherwise subject to the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy available at

11. Winners List Requests

To request a copy of the winners list (available after November 26, 2024), including first name, last initial, city and province of residence, send an email to [email protected] with subject line: Escape the Cold This Winter with Depend Contest Winners List Request. All requests must be received by January 27, 2025 at 11:59:59 PM ET; requests received after this time will not be fulfilled.

12. Sponsor

Kimberly-Clark Global Sales, LLC. 50 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON, L5B 3C2

13. Administrator

RAVEN5 Ltd. 11 Orsett St, Oakville, ON, L6H 2N8

Void outside the province of Quebec and where prohibited by law. All trademarks, product names, logos, and brands used herein are property of their respective owners.